New Autopsy Modules Have Been Released……

1 min readAug 28, 2018

I have released some new modules to my github repository. I will be planning on creating writeups for each one of them within the next week. The modules that had been added are:

Parse Windows Facebook chats. This will parse the Windows App store Facebook Messenger database. Here is the link for the code:

Parse Windows Mail. This will parse Windows Mail and provide contacts and snippets of emails. Here is the link for the code:

Spotlight Parser. This will parse the Macos Spotlight database. Here is the link for the code:

Hash Images. This will hash non E01 images (Raw, VMDK, VHD) images and compare it to hashs you provide to determine if the image is verifiable. Here is the link for the code:

I will also plan on adding these and a few other modules to the installer program as well withing the next week.

If you have any questions or comments please let me know.

